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Our Coffee Origin StoryUpdated 2 years ago

The coffee plant was brought to the Kona district in 1828 by Samuel Reverend Ruggles from Brazilian cuttings. English merchant Henry Nicholas Greenwell moved to the area and established Kona coffee as a recognized brand later in the 19th century. Five generations later, Greenwell Farms is still growing coffee, as the oldest coffee farm on the Hawaiian Islands whom we’ve been proud to call our partner for over 30 years.

Kona Coffee is distinguished from coffees worldwide by the tremendous extra care taken throughout each and every step of the growing & hand-picked harvesting process that produce a one-of-a-kind coffee experience.

Grown on the mountain slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa volcanoes, coffee from the Kona Region of Hawaii develops its signature taste from tropical sun-drenched mornings and misty afternoons. The end result is a coffee that is delicate yet flavorful, medium-bodied, slightly acidic and has a deliciously rich aroma. These excellent qualities have made Kona coffee one of the most highly valued and beloved coffees throughout the world. 

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